Wow. Three weeks old. Hard to believe. After my fluid pockets were drained, I felt a thousand times better and I sort of forgot exactly how bruised and battered my body still is. I may be feeling better, but I still hurt and need to take it easy. I actually think I'm doing pretty good finding that balance between resting and getting things done. Today I'm getting laundry done (with much help from mom and Ray!).
My greatest challenge right now is eating (big surprise). I am making good choices, but I don't think I'm eating enough, considering that I am nursing and rebuilding and healing abdominal muscles.
So that's me. The kids are doing well. I have to remember that they are still adjusting too. Grayson had a short night terror last night. I sat downstairs holding the monitor and cried right along with him. Brooklyn is sleeping with my mom while dad is out of town. I know we're going to pay for that later! Madi has decided she would prefer to sleep in someone's arms. I don't really blame her, but it makes for a somewhat uncomfortable and sleepless night. Ray is working hard, juggling his two jobs and rehearsals. Then most of his time at home is spent doing my bidding. I'm so, so thankful to have my mom. Her help has taken the pressure off of Ray so that he can go to work as much as possible and know that we are taken care of.
Duty calls...
Our days in this season of life follow a very relaxed structure. Each day has such very different demands. While I would prefer to go with the flow, whatever that may be, my kids prefer a more defined plan. They like to know what to expect at any given moment. So our daily rhythm falls somewhere between these two extremes. My day starts between 6:30 and 7:00 AM with coffee and my Bible. I love connecting through Hello Mornings because of its grace based approach to starting my day in submission to the Lord. Through accountability, community, and Bible study I get that flexible structure I need - a big theme in my life right now! My "early riser" (the four year old) will often join me on the couch while I read. My husband makes breakfast while I enjoy a second cup of coffee and supervise morning chores. By 9 AM he is out the door to work (except when he's not...because that would be too easy.) At this point I give my kids a warning that we will start our school day at 9...
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