Can you believe it has been two months? Look at this beautiful, happy girl!!
Sweet little Madikins, you are a wonderful addition to our family! You are so laid back and peaceful and generally very content with whatever life gives you. But you are no pushover! You can make your presence known if need be and you will not settle for less than you deserve! You enjoy watching your mobile. I don't think I remember your brother or sister ever being so interested in them, but you love it. At two months you are full of grins and coos and cuddles, and, though some accuse you of being a mommy's girl, you share them freely with everyone in the house.
At your last check up you weighed 8 lbs, 15 oz, and measured 22 inches long, so you're still a tiny little thing. You are eating well, sleeping well (sometimes even eight hours at a stretch!), and meeting all the major milestones most two month olds meet. If conditions are right you can even roll over from your tummy to your back!
You also have thrush, which has been a very unpleasant process for both of us. I'm thinking it has something to do with all the antibiotics I was on after my surgical complications, but that is really neither here nor there. The point is, we've got it and we're dealing with it.
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