This guy again? Dear Grayson, At six (nearly 7!) months old, you are a delight! You are right in the center of the golden moments of baby hood, where you recognize people and things and you respond to us, but you can't move around too much, so destruction is still pretty minimum. I love watching your wheels turn as you practice picking things up, holding them, and putting them down. You have figured out that moving those things attached to your body (your arms and legs) accomplishes different things and you are now in the process of putting together all those pieces. You are on the cusp of crawling and moments away from your first tooth, I'm sure of it! You've been eating solid (and I use the term "solid" loosely - pun intended!) food for about a month and half and you are a true foodie in the making. I cannot believe how intense you are! Eating is a full on contact sport for you and I'm pretty sure your motto is "let no surface go uncovered b...
"Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there someday." ~A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh